Friday, 9 July 2010

[Photography] I See Your Hair Is Burnin' Hills Are Filled With Fire.

I See Your Hair Is Burnin' Hills Are Filled With Fire. [explored]

We had the perfect summers day a few weekends back. It was at the end of a hot week, and the temperature dipped just enough to make it a good day for a walk. The colours in the fields were lovely and the Holga caught them so well. I'm actually impressed with the ISO 400 film here, the Holga has a fixed shutter speed and aperture and I was convinced the shots would be washed out and overexposed at 400. But no, once again the latitude of Fujifilm films impresses me.

I had noticed this before from Fujifilm 135 film I had put through my OM1. They coped better capturing errors in my exposure settings than other monochrome films I was trying out (Kodak, Ilford and Agfa).

Of course, I noticed all this after I had order some ISo100 120 film to put through the Holga in Cornwall. Hey ho!

Golden Path.

[Imported from old photoblog]