Mmmm, cheap beer. |
So, out in Mallorca I was on the hunt for a cheap lager to drink in the evening. You could buy the usual name brands - Stella, Fosters, Carling, John Smiths, Guinness - but these cost a fortune. Luckily, the local supermarket, Eroski, came to the rescue with these excellent little cans - Aurum beer. It's described as a "premium Pilsner lager", seems to be brewed in Spain and, yeah, that covers the basics well enough. The beer is a nice light golden colour, with a small white head when poured. Aroma of hops, sweetness and a light malt. Taste is what you would expect; sweet, mildly hoppy with a small bitterness creeping in to the aster taste, and quite watery overall - surprisingly not too fizzy, nice light bubbles. It's rated at 4.5& ABV, putting it over the stuff you get in the UK at a small price point. Tried it in small 'stubby' bottles the first time, then moved on to the 330ml sized cans they had at 25c [yes, twenty five Euro cents, around 25p Sterling then] each. I think they had the larger 500ml cans for 49c or so, cant remember.
Overall, I would have this again when out in Mallorca/Spain but I'm not sure I would seek it out back home as 'holiday' beers don't normally translate well to pub drinking. And it's certainly not going to tempt be back from ales...