Anyway, so today's ride was the first dry road bike ride since 3rd June and the first time on the road bike since I got soaked in the middle of June; so I thought I might be a bit rusty. It seems not. Wasn't sure which route to take, but I decided on a nice jaunt round the local back-roads and a blast down the A128 home. All good, managed to keep some decent pace, only really slowed on 1 hill when I hit a wall. Not, not a physical wall... my legs started to remind me that they hadn't cycled this far in a while! Maximum speed of 34mph, total of 15miles, 52 mins and 594' of elevation gain. Good times.
So, yeah decent ride. Apart from almost being knocked off my some old dear in a Rover Metro. I was turning off the A128 (turning left) to head back home and she was turning across to go down the same road, but coming from the opposite direction. She either didn't look or thought I was going much slower than I was (I was doing about 20) and pulled right into the spot I was in. She missed my front wheel by 7 inches or so. No doubt that had I been heading straight and not turning, she would have hit me, and the combined speeds of 25 and 25 would have seen me damaged in a major way. As it was, she missed me so I shouted a loud warning but she couldn't hear me. I dropped a gear, paced it after her and when she had parked up, calmly (I know, I couldn't believe it either) explained that she almost knocked me off. She apologised profusely and explained she hadn't seen me, but that she always looks for cyclists. To be honest, I'm not sure she could see that well and could hardly get out of the car. Bah... but I didn't let it spoil my ride. Just wish my helmet camera had been charged and I had taken it with me so I could show you footage!
June's Cycling Totals:
- Total Duration = 4h 26m 53s
- Total Distance = 59.88 mi
- kCal burned = 4239
- Average Speed = 13.43 mi/h
- Average Pace = 4m 45s/mi
- Elevation Gain = 3133 ft
- Elevation Loss = 2979 ft
- Avtivities = 6 (3 Road, 3 Dad's MTB)