August was a good cycling month for me. After not really getting out in June due to holidays, and July to a lesser extent due to illnesses and work, it was nice to see August total reach 181 miles, the highest since May.
The road bike saw a lot of action and I found some new routes and loops to add onto my rides. The longest I managed was 31miles on a wet Saturday morning - but it was a lovely ride, looking forward to getting some more distance work in during the winter. My only concern is taking the road bike out in the wet, windy and dirty conditions, so I might have to fall back on the MTB for some road work, maybe.
Speak on the MTB, he only got out 3 times apparently although it seemed like more. I found another new bit of Thorndon to cycle round which includes a killer incline that I still have to spin in the lowest gear. The MTB is still not the happiest bunny, I think I really need to get a new seat post and give it a proper once over and lubing.
Not sure what September will bring. No leave planned and the weather will be closing in, so more wetter rides and more windy rides will be the order of the day. Also, with the kids going back to school, the I think Thorndon will be quieter and that means I should be able to go there and work on the MTB more.
The burning question is... do I need a 3rd bike for use in the winter on the roads? Maybe a cheap eBay hybrid with 700c wheels? ;)
August's Cycling Totals:
- Total Duration = 11h 46m 11s
- Total Distance = 181.07 mi
- kCal burned =9336
- Average Speed = 15.18 mi/h
- Average Pace = 4m 1s/mi
- Elevation Gain = 7595 ft
- Elevation Loss = 7785 ft
- Activities = 12 (9 Road, 3 MTB)