Monday, 16 August 2010

[Photography] Sweet Summer Days When I Was Feeling So Fine...


A collection of shots using a Sigma 10-20mm ultra-wide lens designed for digital cameras on a Canon 500n film SLR. The result is a huge vignette and a lot of distortion.

These shots were all from the start of summer, when there was actually some sunshine. Thorndon Country Park in Brentwood if fast becoming my "muse" for photography. More and more of my stuff is being taken there. I shot off a load of Polaroid and digital stuff during the weekend and I assume I will shoot up there again soon. There is such a variety of landscapes and tings up there - fern covered forest, pine woodland, lakes, grassy hills, rural paths, open fields - that you will always find something to shoot. Some of the views looking out of South Essex are good too, might have to capture a sunset up there as one hill slopes off due west.

Sweet Summer Days When I Was Feeling So Fine...Wild.

I think I have had my fill of using this lens on the Canon 500n now. The effect is nice and it is a real revelation to look through the lens as such a wide vista; but things go get a tiny bit samey if you are not careful.


This is the second batch. The first lot were on Fujifilm Neopan Acros 100 monochrome film. This lot were on cheap Kodak film I picked up in PoundLand for £1 per roll. 24 exp ISO 200, a good general use film I'm going to use to test cameras out. A bit of a bargain IMHO.

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